We Are the Stars

Written by Clayton Luckie

Jenny Smiley - Lead Vocals
Kyle Fischer - Keyboards
Clayton Luckie - Background Vocals, Guitars, Percussion

Cover illustration and photograph by Megan Luckie

About the Song

“You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” (Luke 1:31-33, NIV)

These words were, I’m sure, a surprise. Not just for a young woman of Mary’s age. Not just for a virgin. But even more, what place does a regular person have in bringing the Son of God into the world? That in and of itself is miraculous.

At this announcement, Mary’s mind must have run through all of the same kinds of thoughts that we have. The insecurities that say: “you’re not good enough for this.” Or the shame we feel: “if he knew who I really was, he would choose someone else.” Good news for her, God knew her thoughts and reservations, but chose her anyway. Good news for us, too.

When the angel Gabriel spoke this good news to Mary, she knew it was about much more than a pregnancy. She saw her place in the grand story of God’s people; a place of favor, but a place in the company of many others before and after her. God told Abraham that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars (Gen 15:5), and Mary could see her place among those stars. You and I are there, as well. We are his children.

This song is a peek into Mary's journal the day that the angel appeared to her. It's also a reminder that even when we find ourselves unworthy, God sees us differently.

-Clayton Luckie, songwriter


O my soul rejoices
O my spirit shines
O my body, it dances
For He has looked upon me kind

He will bring me to labor
He will give His Son
He has found me favored
But I’m not the only one

We are the stars in the sky
We are the children of light
He has brought us to life
We are, we are the stars

Oh, His mercy is able
And His strength is sure
He has lifted the humble
Turned the guilty pure

As He told our fathers
When they looked above
We are the family of promise
We are the people of love

We are the stars in the sky
We are the children of light
He has brought us to life
We are, we are the stars
We are, we are the stars